Tagged "Blockchain"

NFT's are an innovation in the blockchain/cryptocurrency space that allows you to track who owns a particular item. Something tricky with digital files because they can easily be copied. NFT's are ...
Mining Bitcoin or Ethereum is a hard task for your computer. But why? And what does the difficulty have to do with the security of blockchains? Learn all about blockchains, consensus algorithms and...
Wallets in cryptocurrency work in a weird way. They also have some weird properties like: they can be created offline and be used directly. Whut? Let's see how it all works, Simply Explained!
Will the new European privacy law kill blockchains? On first sight they seem incompatible with each other. So let's take a closer look! Sources This video wouldn't be possible without the work of o...
This is part 4 of my blog posts series in which we create a blockchain in Javascript. In the previous blog posts, we added wallets and mining rewards to our simple blockchain. But the current imple...
We've all heard about Blockchains but how can they be used in the real world? How can we apply them? What problems can they solve? Well, in this video I'll give you 9 examples: Cryptocurrencies Sm...
This is part 3 of my blog posts series in which we create a blockchain in Javascript. In the previous blog posts we created a simple blockchain and implemented proof-of-work to protect it from spam...
Smart contracts are tiny applications that run on a blockchain. The biggest smart contract platform is Ethereum. These contracts allow you to lock up your funds and release them when certain condit...
Everyone is talking about blockchains and cryptocurrencies these days. But what is this blockchain thing? A blockchain is a way of storing data so that cannot be changed anymore. This is called imm...
In my previous blog post we created a simple blockchain in Javascript to demonstrate how a blockchain works. However many people commented and said that the implementation wasn't complete and that ...
Almost everyone has heard about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but few people actually know how the technology behind these work. In this blog post I'll create a simple blockchain in J...
Learn how to write your own Blockchain with JavaScript. In this video I'll show you what is behind a blockchain by using simple code. It's not a complete implementation, but enough to understand ho...